Linux/HPC introductory workshop at UCL Astrophysics Group

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In this post I collect the thoughts and ideas about the linux workshop I gave in UCL. This is for new PhD students and Post-docs who just started in UCL Astrophysics Group. Basically the students did a lot of examples after a few explanatory slides. I also gave them a cheat sheet of linux codes.

Slides and exercises

The slides can be found the UCL Astrophysics GitHub. It is all written in LaTeX with beamer. Here is the source.

Most of the students have some basic understanding of Linux/Unix. The cheatsheet was to give them a jump start. The exercises were from beginners level to intermediate. The solutions to exercises are here.

I also gave a brief idea about the HPC facilities in the department and briefly mentioned best practices. Next year I plan to do a separate session on HPC.

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Published on June 24, 2015